Heavy Duty 300A Bus Bar M10 Studs with cover

Heavy Duty 300A Bus Bar M10 Studs with cover
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Heavy Duty 300A Bus Bar M10 Studs with cover
BB304 50.67
Part No:

Heavy Duty Enclosed Bus Bar
4 x M10 Studs

Stainless steel nuts, bolts & screws
Cable entry via removable tabs on all sides
Glass Fibre reinforced cover is secured with 4 x nuts & bolts to the base

The Tech Spec
Studs: 4 x M10
Amperage Capacity Total: 300
Nuts & Bolts: Stainless Steel
Bus Bar: Nickel Plated Brass
Housing: Glass Fibre reinforced nylon
Weight: 400g
Height: 45mm
Width: 138mm
Depth: 69
RRP Ex Tax Inc Tax
1 BB304 £59.62 £42.22 £50.67
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