Pro.Precision ratchet crimping tool TT84 for Pre Insulated terminals HUGE DISCOUNT!

Pro.Precision ratchet crimping tool TT84 for Pre Insulated terminals HUGE DISCOUNT!
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This Precision ratchet crimping tool is suitable for the full range of heat shrink and pre insulated terminals.
Pro.Precision ratchet crimping tool TT84 for Pre Insulated terminals HUGE DISCOUNT!
TT84 28.69
Particularly recommended for fitting pre insulated terminals to the smaller diameter high temperature thin wall automotive cables.

Fitted with 2 way precision dies to allow accurate crimping of the conductor and insulation in one easy operation.

The heavy duty ratchet ensures that the correct pressure is applied before release.
RRP Ex Tax Inc Tax
1 TT84 £57.38 £23.91 £28.69
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