Heavy Duty Relay Change-Over Base Holder with terminals 072904

Heavy Duty Relay Change-Over Base Holder with terminals 072904
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Suppliers of quality components for over 70 years

Bulkhead socket for Controllers and Extra Heavy Duty Relays
Heavy Duty Relay Change-Over Base Holder with terminals 072904
072904 5.62
The Tech Spec:
  • Relay Base/Holder for Heavy Duty Relays
  • Supplied with terminals 
  • Accepts up to 4 x 2.8mm, 2 x 6.3mm and 3 x 9.5mm terminals
  • Can be stacked with our range of relay holders and standard Blade fuse holder
  • Can be used with Heavy Duty change-over relays
RRP Ex Tax Inc Tax
1 072904 £4.68 £5.62
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