Professional Crimping Tool for Uninsulated terminals 070350

Professional Crimping Tool for Uninsulated terminals 070350
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Suppliers of quality components for over 70 years
Professional Crimping Tool for Uninsulated terminals 070350
070350 57.31

An excellent crimping tool that will crimp a large range of non-insulated terminals.

We use this crimping tool ourselves in the field and can highly recommend it.

This crimping tool will crimp the following wire sizes:
0.5 to 1mm² (20-18 AWG)
1.5 to 2mm² (16-14 AWG)
4 to 6mm² (12-10 AWG)

Ratchet type crimping tool with adjustable pressure.
RRP Ex Tax Inc Tax
1 070350 £47.76 £57.31
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