Durite Battery Isolator Switch M8 Studs 24mm Hole 060500

Durite Battery Isolator Switch M8 Studs 24mm Hole 060500
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Durite Battery Isolator Switch M8 Studs 24mm Hole 060500
060500 16.74
Battery Isolator with removable key and splash- proof cover. 

Feature: When you switch off the isolator switch the key remains in the switch. Turn the key another quarter of a turn and the key comes out. This feature is handy if you have the isolator switch mounted with the key facing downwards and want to switch it off but not remove the key. 

The Tech Spec: 
Amps:500 for 5 seconds 
Volts: 12/24 
Panel hole: 24mm 

Need Battery Cable made up for this product with Hex crimped/soldered/heatshrink terminals?
Go to our 'Battery Leads Made to Order' category

RRP Ex Tax Inc Tax
1 060500 £13.95 £16.74
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